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Anvar Mamadaliev

Head of the editorial department, PhD in pedagogics, associate professor

1994-2000 Sochi State University
1999-2001 Taganrog State Radio Technical University

Research Interests:
The history of the Kuban region, World War II, highschool pedagogy

Past Research Projects:
The history of the development of the Sochi region. Sochi, 2009-2011


Journal Articles

Mamadaliev A.M. The Everyday Activity of Rural Schools in the Early 1920s (through the Example of Schools in the Village of Aibga) // Bylye Gody, 2015, Vol. 36, Is. 2, pp. 388-393.

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Mamadaliev A.M. Actual Problems of Legal Regulation in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights When Providing Banking Services and Their Optimization // Theoretical & Applied Science. 2015, Vol. 26, Is. 6, pp. 24-29.

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Мамадалиев А.М., Меньковский В.И., Рябцев А.А. Некоторые аспекты взаимоотношений власти и общества в посаде Сочи в начальный период революции 1905–1907 годов (9 января – 6 декабря 1905 года) // Известия Сочинского государственного университета. 2012. № 3 (21), С. 245-250.

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